Brazil is getting ready for the Pan American E-Sports Cup

Por AIPS América

28 de septiembre de 2024


By: Constanza Mora Pedraza – Aips Member

AMAPÁ, Brazil, September 28, 2024. – The importance and worldwide acceptance that electronic sports continue to have is growing by leaps and bounds, growth that is clearly reflected in our region, which is why the Pan American Confederation (PAMESCO) has decided to organize the first Esports Cup in the American continent

The announcement reported that this event will take place in 2025, and will be coordinated and presented by PAMESCO, in the vibrant state of Amapá, Brazil; in this way, the ‘canarinha’ nation will become the first venue for this Cup that has among its objectives to showcase the best electronic sports talent in the Americas.

“The 2025 Pan American Esports Cup will feature top-level teams and players competing for several popular electronic sports titles. This historic event has received significant support including the one from the respected Senator of Brazil, Mr. Randolfe Rodrigues, and the full support of the government of the state of Amapá” said Daniel Cossi, President WESCO – World Esports Consortium.

The tournament aims to not only celebrate the growing Esports culture, but also foster unity and sportsmanship at an international level. With the direct support of local and national authorities, the event promises to be a spectacular show of competitive gaming.


While this will be the first edition of the Pan American Cup, Esports have already made inroads at a continental level during the Pan American Games, Chile 2023. The competitions took place in the Electronic Sports Tent at the National Stadium Sports Park in Santiago, where more than 110 ‘gamers’ representing 25 countries participated, competing for the first places in Efootball and Dota 2

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